Pittsburgh's welcome to the world's largest completely air-conditioned hotel with 1600 rooms all equipped with radio and television. The Penn Square side of the hotel faces Mellon Square which has underground parking facilities for over 1000 cars. In the background to the left can be seen part of the U.S. Steel Bldg.

This is The Sign of The HARP and CROWN, historic Tavern first situated in Third Street in 1787, now restored on this site by the Penn-Sheraton Commodious Hostelry in Grant Street.
Insured reservations at guaranteed rates by "Reservatron" reserves and confirms your hotel room in seconds.
Mailed from Steubenville, Ohio to Mr. & Mrs. Dale Larking of Sebring, Ohio on January 2, 1962:
Dear Everyone:
Everyone and everything is OK.
Anna gave me this card - how about it?
Kit is still away - she called last M.C. last night she will go to Anna's with Pap-Pap. Carole isn't any better, They told them they can do nothing for her. They performed a bi-opsy. M.C. & family went to Ogleby park today for Nitey's Class picnic - Mamma

Robust riverboat fare and Dixieland music by noted bands are appealing features of the Penn-Sheraton's Riverboat room and sidewheeler Bar. The room richly reflects the historic riverboat era, when elaborate river packets were a common sight on the Monongahela and Ohio Rivers in Pittsburgh.
Free Sheraton direct reservatron and teletype reservation services; ATlantic 1-7100
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