Patio and heated outdoor pool as seen from palmetto-thatched Cabanas at distinctive WESTERN HILLS HOTEL
6451 Camp Bowie - Fort Worth, Texas
200 air-conditioned rooms...cabanas...Guest Hosts...Honeymoon Cottages
William J. Davis, Dallas, Texas
Dextone by Dexter Press
Fringed by palmetto-thatched Cabanas, gracefully formed outdoor pool at Western Hills is heated for your year-round comfort. Swimming and golf are free to Hotel Guests
Western Hills Hotel
6451 Camp Bowie - Fort Worth, Texas
"Resort and Country Club luxuries at Hotel Prices"
William J. Davis, Dallas, Texas
Dextone by Dexter Press
This fabulous resort hotel is located at the west entrance to Fort Worth on Highways 80, 180 and 377. Overlooking this beautiful, tropical scene is the terraced dining room of one of the West's most hospitable stop-overs for travelers, vacationers and business men.