The Purple Tree Lounge
Rochester's unique lounge in the city's largest and best located hotel.
Dancing nightly except Sunday.
The Manger Hotel
26 Clinton Avenue South
Rochester, New York
Mailed from Rochester, New York to The Janssens of Canaga Park, California on May 3, 1967:
Hi. My what a dirty town this is - we are having a grand time - we are going to Niagara Falls tomorrow - and will be going home Sunday, it will take me two weeks to rest up - will write more when I get home. Love, Lucille Mom

The Hearth and Embers
Rochester's unique cocktail lounge in the city's largest and best located hotel.
Dancing nightly except Sunday
The Manger Hotel
Rochester, New York

One of the country's finest charcoal restaurants in Rochester's largest, most centrally located hotel.
Phone: HAmilton 6-7800
The Manger Hotel
26 Clinton Avenue, S.
Rochester, New York
Hannau Color Productions
A Koppel Card
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