2268 guest rooms, 2268 baths, 268 servidors; located in the heart of Chicago facing on State Street, Monroe Street and Wabash Avenue, rising 24 stories, replacing the famous Palmer House built in 1871 and still one of America's best hotels.
Mailed from Chicago, Illinois to Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Gallant & Family of Delaware, Ohio On July 10, 1951:
Dear Folks,
We got here yesterday morning and so far our main project has been creating a library with Mr. Lindquist (county librarian) who believes in making a thorough job of anything. Jan & I are next door to the assistant librarian who believes sightseeing is important too so we can go around with a clear conscience.
Created and Supervised by Trader Vic
The Traders at The Palmer House
bringing to Chicago the atmosphere, food and splendor of the South Sea Islands - fabulous run drinks, barbecued meats from Chinese ovens, and the finest Continental cuisine.
The famous Empire Room of the Palmer House is renowned for its presentation of America's finest floor shows and outstanding dance orchestras.
The Empire Room
Famous for its "Parade of Stars" the green and gold supper club presents the greatest stars in the entertainment world and dancing nightly until 2 A.M. French cuisine and service are specialties for luncheon and dinner.
Mailed from Chicago, Illinois to Mr. & Mrs. M.H. Wessel Jr. of South Bend, Indiana on April 2, 1969:
Just a few lines to say hello. The sessions are very good - weather not bad.
Will write more when I arrive back home. Love, Mom.
P.S. Enjoyed your visit.
State Street looking north. In immediate foreground is the marquee of "The Palmer House", one of Chicago's most famous landmarks. Marina Towers, a recent addition to Chicago's beauty and development can be seen in background.
Cameo Greeting Cards
Copyright 1965 Dexter Press
Palmer House Conveniently located in the heart of Chicago's loop, The Palmer House with 2250 rooms is one of the world's largest and most beautiful Hotels. Air-conditioned rooms are available. Home of the popular Empire Room where America's greatest entertainers are featured. Telephone: Randolph 6-7500. Teletype: CG 698.
State and Monroe Streets, Chicago, Illinois
A Hilton Hotel
The elegant Palmer House lobby reflects the opulence with which Potter Palmer designed and built the original hotel more than a century ago. The present structure also includes this enclosed shopping arcade where visitors enjoy browsing through dozens of shops.
Mailed from Kouts, Indiana to Bozo's Circus at WGN-TV in Chicago, Illinois on June 20, 1979:
Lila Rommelmann
Kouts, Indiana
Age 5