One of Western New York's Newest, largest and Most Modern Motels Restaurant on Premises - Shopping Plazas nearby Designed and furnished in the most modern taste.
Open all year - Air conditioned - Radio - Television - Wall-to-wall carpeting - ceramic tile tubs and showers.
6621 Pine Ave. Blvd. on Route U.S. 62
Niagara Falls, New York
Mailed from Niagara Falls, New York to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mays of Jasper, New York on February 4, 1964:
Dear Mom and Daddy,
Hope Grandpa is feeling much better now.
We arrived Sunday afternoon. Yesterday was Sunny and a little warmer; we took slides of the Falls.
Love, Raymond & Pauline
Plastichrome by Colourpicture
Williams Printing & Advertising, Niagara Falls
One of Western New York's Newest, largest and Most modern Motels.
Restaurant on premises - Shopping plazas nearby - Designed and furnished in the most modern taste - Open all year - Air conditioned - radio - television - Wall-to-wall carpeting - ceramic tile tubs and showers.
For Reservation BE 6-0121
Sightseeing tours arranged
6621 Pine Ave. Blvd. on Route US 62
Niagara Falls, NY