The entrance to Fish Fry Lodge on the shore of Lake Superior. 10 miles from downtown Duluth. 24 modern cabins housing from2 to 8 people, also twin beds. Serving no beer. Completely modern cabins with hot and cold water. May 1 to Nov. 1 Dining Room service all year. Golf and Riding facilities nearby.
Phone 5-1792
Route 6, Box 626, Duluth, Minnesota
Approved Resort - Minnesota Arrowhead Assn.
The card was mailed from Duluth, Minnesota to Mr. and Mrs. Art Andrus of Wichita, Kansas on June 22, 1954:
Dear Mom & Dad,
Well we are on Lake Superior. It rained most of the day. We are going on up to Canada tomorrow.

The entrance to Fish Fry Lodge on the north shore of Lake Superior, 10 miles from downtown Duluth.
24 modern cabins housing from 2 to 8 people, also twin beds. r Completely Modern Cabins with hot and cold water, May 1 to Nov, 1. Dining Room Service all year.
Phone JA 5-5131
9699 North Shore Drive, Duluth 4, Minnesota. Approved resort – Minnesota Arrowhead Association.
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