The South's Newest and Finest
420 Murfreesboro Rd. - U.S. 41, 705
Nashville, Tennessee
7 Minutes from Heart of City and Airport. All 75 Rooms have Free Television, Electric Heat. Air Conditioning, Telephones, Carpeting. Each has both tile tubs and showers. Tel. ALpine 6-8177
Three of City's Finest Restaurants Nearby
In Chattanooga The Drake Hotel Court and Restaurant
Arcatone Color Card by Arcade Printing Co.

420 Murfreesboro Road
Nashville, Tennessee
85 Air conditioned units with phones - Color TV - 5 min. from downtown and airport - Meeting room available - Children free - Swimming pool - Courtesy car - Coffee Shop. AAA Approved. Member of the Best Western Motels.
The back says:
Dec 1966
Chuck Solloway, Tiny, Helen, Victor, Maranatha

420 Murfreesboro Road
Hwys. 41 and 70 So.
Two Blocks of I-65 - 1-40 and I-24
85 air conditioned units with phones - color TV - 5 min. from downtown and airport - meeting rooms available - swimming pool - coffee shop. AAA Approved. Member of the Best Western Motels.
Earl W. Hughes
Dexter Press
That's stunning. So glad to see that children are free there.