1 Mile West on U.S. Route 302
573 N. Main St.
A modern 24 units motel with large, pleasant rooms, 5 channel TV, combination or shower bath, telephones, air conditioning, clock radios, carpets, coffee. Swimming pool.
Open year 'round. AAA Approved.
Jerry Routhier - Prop.
Mailed from Vermont to Mr. & Mrs. Mark Denlinger of Paradise, Pennsylvania on October 10, 1973:
Dear Ruth & Mark,
We stayed here on Wednesday night. Motels are filled up. The leaves are beautiful. Today is a lovely day. Many folks are leaving. We have been at the Long House since Thurday evening. We are meeting alot of "nice" people. Marvin's parents are enjoying it too. Today we want to hike to enjoy some of this good mountain air. We eating two good meals and not getting enough exercise. Did you get away on a vacation yet? Love, Marvin & Betty