John and Ginney Dunayczan, owners-managers
"People is our Business"
1850 South U.S. #1, Vero Beach, Florida 32960
In City
Gas heat, air conditioning, color TVs, connecting rooms, rollaways and cribs, near ocean, restaurants, shopping plaza. A Rating. Master Charge accepted.
Mailed from Vero Beach, Florida to Mr. W.L. Ticknor of Falls Church, Virginia on January 28, 1974:
Dear Son,
So far so good. Fine trip from Sav. to here. Ocean and air same temp - 76 degrees. People in swimming. I waded. No gas shortage - just a constant threat. Shirt sleeve weather. Love, Dad & M.
Boob Palmer, Photography
Insilcoo by Dukane Press

Two blocks south of Business section on U.S. 1
Vero Beach, Florida
14 Deluxe Rooms. Tile Baths, terrazzo Floors, Central Heat, Individual room Air Conditioning, 5 minutes to beach and golf courses. Restaurants nearby. Pool. AAA Approved.
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