Fabulous New
Mannheim and Higgins Road
Des Plaines, Illinois
VAnderbilt 7-5131
400 Air-conditioned Suites - Sound-Proofed - Henrici Restaurant, Famous Since 1868 - Cocktail Lounge - Free Parking - Free TV - Swimming and Wading Pools - Banquet Rooms - 1,200 Seating Capacity Convention Hall.
2 Minutes North of O'Hare International Airport Rts. 12 & 45 at Intersection of Rt. 72 adjacent to Illinois Toll Road.
Henrici's and Golden Barrel
Mannheim & Higgins Rd.
Des Plaines, Illinois
VA 7-1117
I worked at that hotel in 1978/79 in the Henrici's Restaurant there as a 22-yr-old waiter. Nice memories there. I can still remember many names of the waitstaff there. Always a regular crowd from the airport, and sometimes a few from conventions too. Many came from town also. Winters were best because the blizzards would snow us in and the hotel would put the whole staff up for a few nights till the streets were plowed. Chicago was so corrupt that they had trouble plowing the streets promptly. The hotel itself was nice and clean, never saw any problem people there, almost genteel. Funny, but I can’t remember whether there were any restrictions on where the employees were permitted to park -- Paul H.