Phone MAIN 9-4701 Calhoun, Ga.
26 new units, located in Calhoun on U.S. 41 and 53. Wall to Wall Carpet, Electric Heat, Free TV, Swimming Pool, Air Conditioned, Ceramic Tile Bath with Combination Tub and Shower. Restaurant.
Owned and Operated by - Mr. and Mrs. D.L. Hollingsworth
Quality that will please you!
Mailed from St. Petersburg, Florida to Mr. & Mrs. C.D. Vining of Bourbon, Indiana on December 28, 1961:
Fri. Eve. - 9:00 - 50 mi. in Ga.
Temp was 28 today - seemed like summer to me.
Everything going fine. Got to Louisville last night. Took the Mt. route today. The girls are fine travelers. They certainly enjoyed the mts. only were a little scared. Stopped at 8:30 last night. 8:00 tonight. Elaine is getting an awfully lot out of this trip. Denise is being real good. We're really enjoying ourselves. How's Buster? Hope he is not too much of a problem. - The Davandts
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