Driftwood Court
657 South Atlantic Ave., Ocean Highway A1A
Ormond Beach, Florida
Tel. OR 7-1331
26 Luxury Motel Rooms and Efficiences. Directly on the Ocean. Centrally heated...Air-Conditioned...TV Lounge...Free Coffee Bar. Country Club Privileges at Ellinor Village.
Your Hosts: Grace & Art Gulick

"You'll Be Glad You've Stopped"
Luxurious Oceanfront Resort Motel
Bedrooms-Efficiencies - W/W Carpet - Free TV - Air/Cond. - Hot Water Heat - Room Phone - New Heated Pool/Patio - Finest Location - AAA Approved - Member of the Superior Motels
For Reservations Call OR 7-1331
Art & Grace Gulick - Owner-Manager
657 So. Atlantic Ave., Ormond Beach, Fla.

657 S. Atlantic Avenue
Ormond Beach, Florida 32074
Rooms, efficiencies and apartments, fully air conditioned and heated, cable color TV, direct dial phones and wall-to-wall carpeting. Large pool, shuffleboard court and barbeque grill. There's always fun in the sun for everyone on our great beach.
Mailed from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to Mr & Mrs. Dale Larkins of Sebring, Ohio on June 8, 1984:
Hello -
X marks the spot where were stayed. Tues PM left Myrtle early Tues A.M. Lis came down with Chick. pox Sat. PM. They all were enjoying themselves. How's things in Sebring? Our love to all.
B & A.
My Dad, Mom, sister and I stayed here around 1956. I had just got over the measles and the rest of the family caught it just as we arrived! So I had the run of the place for two weeks. I remember the name of the motel because my mother hung a sign with the name around my neck in case I got lost! !