Monday, December 14, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Abbey Hotel / Victoria Hotel / Abbey Victoria Hotel - New York, New York

Abbey Hotel - New York, New York

51st Street East of 7th Avenue
New York City
CIrcle 6-9400
Accommodates 1000 guests - All rooms with bath - many air conditioned - Radios - TV. Circulating ice water in each room.

Lumitone Photoprint

Abbey Hotel - New York, New York 

51st Street East of 7th Avenue
New York 19, N.Y.
Accommodating 1000 guests - Modern Rooms - Television - Air conditioning available - Home of Famous Stockholm Restaurant.

Lumitone Photoprint

Abbey Victoria Hotel - New York, New York

7th Avenue at 51st Street
New York, N.Y. 10019
1000 Modern Rooms and Suites - Garage and Parking Facilities - In Radio City and Rockefeller Center Area - Home of the famous Stockholm Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge.
Entirely Air-Conditioned

Writing on the back:
Dated 9/29/67
We dined at this beautiful spot last evening, lots of good things to eat. The Abbey V. is very good having a wonderful time. Hope you are too.
Love, Alice & Phil

Abbey Victoria Hotel - New York, New York

Seventh Ave. at 51st St.
George Geiger, President

Seventh Ave. at 51st St.
In The Wonderful World of Manhattan

Abbey Victoria Hotel - New York, New York

Seventh Ave. at 51st St.
Rosie O'Grady Pub Restaurant - Confucius Restaurant - Victoria Coffee Shop
1000 Comfortable Rooms - Air Conditioned - Television

Hotel Victoria - New York, New York

51st Street at 7th Avenue
CIrcle 7-7800
Completely Air-Conditioned
"Times Square at Radio City"
Every room with private baths, shower, and Television. Cocktail Lounge, Bar, Restaurant and Coffee Shop.

Color Masters, Inc.

STATUS: The Abbey was torn down in 1982. Here's a brief article in the New York Times about the demise of the Abbey.

After 55 Years; R.I.P. Abbey

Published: June 27, 1982

It was the Abbey Victoria Hotel, then the Abbey and Victoria Hotels and, later, back again. In recent years it was simply the ''Shabby Abbey.'' Now it is being demolished to make way for the expansion of the headquarters of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States.

Spokesmen for the company, a major owner of Manhattan properties, said plans for the new office tower were not complete yet. It will run from 51st to 52d Street on Seventh Avenue, behind the present 42-story headquarters building at 1285 Avenue of the Americas. That tower was completed 20 years ago as an pioneer project in the avenue's redevelopment.

The hotel was built in 1927 and was divided into the Abbey and Victoria Hotels for the World's Fair in 1939. It stood as a house divided for years, but merged in 1966 to share mechanical and operating costs.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

48 States Motel - Saint Albans, West Virginia

Seven miles West of Charleston, West Virginia on U.S. Route #60
Clean, Comfortable and Modern
21 inch TV and 4 season heat pump. Air conditioners on every room.
Mailing Address, 6204 MacCorckle Ave. Saint Albans, W.Va.
Reasonable Rates

W.E. Bollinger & Sons, Charleston 2, W.Va.

STATUS: It is now known as the Jefferson Motel. The sign and the great Coke machine are gone.

1200 Beacon Street Hotel - Brookline, Massachusetts

Corner St. Paul Street
Brookline 46, Mass.
BEacon 2-7979
Greater Boston's finest Motor Hotel. 170 beautiful rooms - Garage under. Television and radio included in rate. Air conditioned throughout. Attractive Dining Room, Lounge Bars and Coffee Shop. Located less than two miles from downtown Boston.

Status: GONE - A Holiday Inn is at this location.

100 Lakes Motor Court - Winter Haven, Florida

Highway 17
Winter Haven, Florida
36 units - completely air conditioned - TV - heated swimming pool - your host, Ben Gumer - telephone CY 3-8213

Mailed from Bradenton, Florida to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor of Scottland, Illinois on February 24, 1957:

Sarasota, Fl.
Dear Folks,
Every thing fine. Have stayed here 2 nights. At Sarasota Gardens. Leaving Sun. Hope to get home by Tuesday.
Love, Rena

Dennis Hallinan, Cypress Gardens, FL
Dexter Press

STATUS: Unknown. I cannot find any information on the exact location.