Fully Air Conditioned
Route A1A, 1233 So. Atlantic Ave.
Daytona Beach, Florida
TEL. CL 2-3362
Directly on the Beach
Florida's only nylon covered heated pool. Motel Rooms, Efficiencies and Bed Room Apartments. Will meet buses, planes, and trains. AAA Approved. A Master Hosts Motel.
O.L. Jack White, Owner
Fully Air Conditioned
Route A1A, 1223 So. Atlantic Ave.
Daytona Beach, Florida
Tel. CL 3-6555
Florida's only nylon covered heated pool. Motel Rooms, Efficiencies and Bed Room Apartments. Self operating elevators. Will meet buses, planes and trains. Teletype DBCH 170. AAA Approved. A Master Hosts Hotel
O.L. Jack White
Mailed from Daytona Beach, Florida to Mr. & Mrs. R.H. Alfrey of Knoxville 19, Tennessee on May 23, 1961:
Hi Folks!
Weather wonderful & having a glorious vacation! Will be home June 4th. Can find us on this card? It was taken last year when we were here.
Walter & Selma
This is a slide of the Sea Dip Motel in March of 1975.