1 Mille a l'est du village
100 Units with Bath or Shower - Restaurant capacity 300 people - Swimming Pool. AAA Approved. Recommended by Duncan Hones.
Telephone: 29
The famous sculptures on wood of "Bourgault", the miniature boats of the "Leclerc" families, the numerous weaving workshops etc. make St. Jean Port Joli the largest handicraft centre of Canada. All types of handi-craft work are on sale at the Auberge du Faubourg, an ultra modern resort, situated on the shores of the majestic St. Lawrence River.
Photographie et publie par W. Schermer, 4795 Pierre Lauzon, Pierrefonds, P.W.
Imprime Au Canada
RF-531 - 783

1 Mille a l'est du village
100 Units with Bath or Shower - Restaurant capacity 300 people - Swimming Pool. AAA Approved. Recommended by Duncan Hones.
Telephone: 29
The famous sculptures on wood of "Bourgault", the miniature boats of the "Leclerc" families, the numerous weaving workshops etc. make St. Jean Port Joli the largest handicraft centre of Canada. All types of handi-craft work are on sale at the Auberge du Faubourg, an ultra modern resort, situated on the shores of the majestic St. Lawrence River.
Photographie et publie par W. Schermer, 4795 Pierre Lauzon, Pierrefonds, P.W.
Imprime Au Canada
RF-533 - 785

Les fameuses scultupre sur boise des "Bourgault", les bateauxx miniature ded "Leclerc" les nombreaux ateliers de tissage, fon de St-Jean-Port-Joli "Le plus grand Centre d'artisanat du Canada". Toutes ces oeuveres sont en ventre a l'Auberge du Faubourg, etablissement des plus moderned situe sur les bords du majesteaux fleuve St-Laurent. Golf. Piscine. 140 unites.
The famous sculptures on wood of "Bourgault", the miniatures boats of the "Leclerc", the numerous weaving workshops etc. Make St. Jean Port Joli the largest handicraft centre of Canada. All types of handicraft work are on sale at the Auberge du Faubourg, an ultra modern resort, situated on the shores of the majestic St. Lawrence river. Golf. Swimming pool. 140 units.
The card shows no postmark but was definitely written to be mailed:
Dear Folks,
You will really be looking forward to your trip in Aug. - we are really enjoying it but wish we had more time! Spent a while yesterday around Quebec City. We will visit Bonnie and Allen tonight in Pointe Claire for dinner. We can highly recommend to you the motel in which we stayed last night - close to the new bridge at Three Rivers. Sincerely, Ernie and Sadie.
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