Twin Hotels and Villas "Famed for Friendliness"
Oceanfront - Fifth to Sixth Streets, Miami Beach 39, Fla.
Complete Resort Hotels - 50% air-conditioned - 220 rooms - 220 baths - 50 Villas - Swimming Pool - Private Beach - Cocktail Lounge - Dining Terrace - Oceanside - Coffee Shop - Dancing - Planned Entertainment - Private Parking Space. Recommended by AAA - Duncan Hines.
Open Year 'Round
Mailed From Miami Beach, Florida to The A. Eitmarts of Cincinnati, Ohio in June 7, 1951:
Dear Al & Clara:
X marks the spot where we are staying. Sure wish you were with us. It is sure wonderful.
Love Ruth & Al

Oceanfront - 5th to 6th Sts., Miami Beach 39, Fla. Your choice of luxury hotel. 200 rooms, (75% air conditioned), 200 baths and 50 de luxe Motel Villas - Swimming Pool - Private Beach - Cocktail Lounge - Dining Terrace - Oceanside Coffee Shop - Dancing - Entertainment. Open Year Round. Ample Adjacent Private Parking Space.
Recommended by AAA - Duncan Hines - United Motor Courts.

Twin Hotels and Motels
"famed for friendliness"
Centrally Air-Conditioned & Heated
JE 1-7481
Ocean Front - fifth to sixth sts. - Miami Beach
Choice of Hotel (150 Rms. - 150 Baths) 50 Motel units (50 Kitchenettes) - Swimming Pool - Private Beach - Cocktail Lounge - Oceanside Coffee Shop - Entertainment - Free Adjacent Parking. Rec. by Diners' Club & Amer. Exp. - Surprisingly Mod. Rates Frank Fishman, Pres. Henry J. Stupell, Mgr.
RATE APR. 20 to DEC. 20 $5.00 A DAY DLB. OCC.
Mailed from Miami Beach, Florida to Elise Roth of Metairie, Louisiana on July 1, 1965:
We learn, friend...that you are planning a Miami beach Vacation.
Well, we confidently believe we can provide an excellent solution to the problem - Won't you please write for color brochure and tell us your requirements. Thanx. You'll be glad you did!
Henry J. Stupell, Mgr.
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