Town House Motel
4800 NE Sandy Blvd., Highway US 30
Portland 13, Oregon
35 Deluxe Units, Kitchens, Individual Switchboard Service, TV, Radio, Refrigerated Air Conditioning, Heated Swimming Pool, Ample Parking. Surround by Restaurants, Shopping and Churches. AAA Approved. Recommended by Duncan Hines.
Phone ATlantic 2-2281
John T. Goss, Owner
Ruth Claiborne, Resident Hostess
The Heraldic Emblem Legend -
Against the blue background is the golden sunburst indicating daylight traveling, with stars depicting travel by night. Upon a white background indicating the broad highway are the four wheels of the automobile. At the bottom of the shield is a bunch of grapes indicating food, with six ermine clusters indicating purity, fairness and luxury.
This Heraldic Emblem will be found proudly displayed at the City Center Motor Hotel, The Travelers Inn, Town House Motor Hotel, and Town & Country Motor Hotel, Portland, Oregon. Cordially your host, John D Goss.
"For You a Rose in Portland Grows"
Dexter Press
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