"The Midsouth's Finest"
90 Luxuriois Guest Rooms with private baths, Steam Heat. 40 with Kitchenettes. Restaurant on premises serving all meals. Adjacent to Camp Lejeune, World's Largest Marine Base.
Telephone Jacksonville 745
On Ocean Hiway (U.S. 17) in city limits, Jacksonville, N.C.
"The Midsouth's Finest"
90 Luxurious Guest Rooms with private baths. Steam Heat. 40 with Kitchenettes. Restaurant on premises serving all meals. Adjacent to Camp Lejeune, World's largest Marine Base. Telephone Jacksonville 7455
D.L. Phillips, Owner
On Ocean Hiway (U.S. 17) in city limits. AAA Approved.
Mailed from Jacksonville, North Carolina to Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Alrutz of Mt. Vernon, Virginia on June 8, 1956:
Dear Helen:
Sorry we couldn't. Stop in but a powerful hurry to down. We are now engrossed in buying furniture & moving in to our new gov. at. Will promise to come see in Aug. when Roger gets leave. Love, Minn.
P.S. Will write more later.
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