Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hotel Ansley - Atlanta, Georgia

Hotel Ansley - Atlanta, Georgia

400 Rooms, Bath and Radio
A Step from Post office, Theatres, Department Stores, Etc.
Carling Dinkler, Pres. & Gen'l Mgr.

Mailed from Atlanta, Georgia to Mr. & Mrs. C.F. Billings of Fremont, Ohio on February 24, 1939:

Friday morning. Will be back in N.Y. Monday, just 2 weeks on the road. Could live in Texas or New Orleans but not in any other part of the South. Love, Sid.

1 comment:

  1. Ansley is my maiden name (from Georgia)so this hotel has always fascinated me. Ironically its not all that far from historic Ansley Park either. Nice image (postcard)! Thank you for posting it.
